
Welcome! If you are interested in discovering what the Army is all about and what we have to offer you here at Kings Point you have come to the right spot. This blog will be used to post information about upcoming events that the Army Program is running, share information on Army schools and training, and most importantly to answer your questions about the different Army commissioning options available to you. Feel free to ask questions and share your experiences. Have a good one...

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Match Your Interests to an Army Career Field

We've added a link to the U.S. Army Branch Information page that will take you to a questionaire that will match your interests to the various jobs the Army has to offer. It is geared towards enlisted Soldier MOSs; however, it will give you a general idea as to what officer career field best coincides with the things that you like to do.

So check out the site to MATCH YOUR INTERESTS to an Army career and see if you're skills, experience and talents will lead you to a career in the Field Artillery, Transportation/Logisitcs, Special Forces or one of the other basic branches.

If it piques your interest, stop by to talk about the results.